Transport cases and suitcases (Flight cases)
In modern life, where mobility and efficiency are an integral part of everyday life, the need to safely transport a wide range of valuable items is becoming more and more frequent. These may be military and work equipment, personal belongings or other valuable objects whose security and invulnerability during the journey are of paramount importance.
Our Transport Cases / Flight Cases are becoming a vital solution, providing not only convenience but also the highest level of protection. Made of robust and resistant materials, these transport cases are specially designed to protect the contents of the case from external factors such as mechanical damage, humidity, temperature changes or even possible theft.
Transport Cases / Flight Cases are tailored to suit all needs:
- For the transport of professional equipment, ensuring that sensitive machinery such as electronics or research equipment reaches its destination undamaged.
- Protecting personal belongings during travel, providing security and peace of mind that valuable items such as documents, collectibles or family heirlooms remain undamaged.
- For the transport of industrial or specialised goods or products, where the highest standards of safety and quality are required.
- Tailor-made solutions for every customer need
Every order is unique. “ offers fully customisable transport cases: from dimensions, design to functionality. We take your needs into account and create a product that meets your expectations to the maximum. - Superior quality and reliability.
We manufacture shipping boxes from the most durable materials to withstand impact, moisture and extreme conditions. An investment that lasts for years. - Exceptional attention to detail.
Our transport boxes are designed with the utmost care. Specially milled cavities, quality locks, reinforced corners and a padded interior ensure that your belongings are safe and neatly stowed. - Prompt service.
From initial consultation to production and delivery, we work quickly and professionally. We value your time and ensure a smooth and fast process. - Experience and trust.
We have many years of experience in the manufacture of Transport Cases / Flight Cases and our products have proven themselves in various industries, the defence sector and personal projects. Customer trust and the highest quality are our top priority.
Trust the experts
Investing in a Transport Case/Flight Case is not only practical, but also a durable solution to protect your valuable items from unexpected circumstances. When you choose, you get a reliable partner who will take care of your assets as if they were our own.
Order today and see why our solutions are the best choice for your needs!
Transporto dėžių gamybai naudojame patikimo ir rinkoje gerai žinimo gamintojo Adam Hall Hardware elementus.
Transportavimo dėžės ratukai padės perkelti sunkias dėžes iš vienos vietos į kitą.
- Ratukai vienoje pusėje- Laisvai besisukiojantys ratukai abejose dėžės pusėse (dėžę galima tiesiog stumti).
Galimi variantai:Rankenos
Transporto dėžių gamybai naudojame patikimo ir rinkoje gerai žinimo gamintojo Adam Hall Hardware elementus.
Transportavimo dėžės rankenos padės perkelti sunkias dėžes iš vienos vietos į kitą.
Galimi variantai:- Juodos arba aliuminio spalvos rankenos
- Rankenos su spyruoklėmis ir be spyruoklių.Įdėklas (puta)
Įdėklo (putos) maketavimas pagal pateiktą daiktą. 3D daikto skenavimas. Įdėklo pjaustymas ir gamyba pagal individualius poreikius.
Jūrinė fanera
Tai patvari, lengva, atspari ilgalaikiams drėgmės ir kitiems klimato poveikiams medžiaga (3 klijų klasė). Fanera naudojama laivų korpusų (dažniausiai su stiklo pluoštu ir epoksidinėmis dervomis), interjero bei baldų gamyboje.
Transporto dėžių gamybai naudojame patikimo ir rinkoje gerai žinimo gamintojo Adam Hall Hardware elementus.
Užraktai parenkami pagal gaminamos dėžės dydį ir kitus reikalavimus.
Transporto dėžių gamybai naudojame patikimo ir rinkoje gerai žinimo gamintojo Adam Hall Hardware elementus.
Elementai parenkami pagal gaminamos dėžės dydį ir kitus reikalavimus.
For the production of transport boxes, we use elements from the reliable and well-known manufacturer Adam Hall Hardware.
The wheels of the transport box will help you move heavy boxes from one place to another.
- Wheels on one side- Freely rotating wheels on both sides of the box (the box can be simply pushed).
Available options:Handles
For the production of transport boxes, we use elements from the reliable and well-known manufacturer Adam Hall Hardware.
Transport box handles will help you move heavy boxes from one place to another.
Available options:- Black or aluminum handles
- Handles with and without springs.Insert (foam)
Layout of the insert (foam) according to the item provided. 3D scanning of an object. Insert cutting and production according to individual needs.
Marine plywood
It is a durable, light material, resistant to long-term moisture and other climatic effects (glue class 3). Plywood is used in the production of ship hulls (usually with fiberglass and epoxy resins), interiors, and furniture.
For the production of transport boxes, we use elements from the reliable and well-known manufacturer Adam Hall Hardware.
Locks are selected according to the size of the manufactured box and other requirements.
For the production of transport boxes, we use the element of the reliable and well-known manufacturer Adam Hall Hardwares.
The elements are selected according to the size of the manufactured box and other requirements.
Flight cases and suitcases for any items
Cases for military equipment | Gun cases | Boxes for music equipment | Boxes for musical instruments | Boxes for loudspeakers | Boxes for breakables | Cases for drones and UAVs | LCD TV cases | Toolboxes and suitcases | Boxes for photo equipment | Computer equipment cases | Boxes for medical equipment and instruments | Heavy duty boxes | Flight case for other equipment and items